When constructing a successful retail space, the foundation lies in more than just the quality of products sold, but also the design and experience of the retail environment itself. Prioritizing the customer experience and taking clientele needs into account during the early planning phases of your retail construction project is crucial for designing a space that drives traffic and retains loyal patrons.
Customer Flow
One of the most important considerations when designing your commercial retail space is how you envision customers entering and moving through your building. During the early design phases, Gundlach Champion Inc. works with you to determine how to best design a space that welcomes customers and guides them through aisles in a strategic manner to drive up sales. For example, taking into account how wide the aisles should be to accommodate numerous shoppers at once, opting for an open floor plan to increase customer comfort, or utilizing an intuitive layout so that patrons can browse freely with minimal employee interaction.
Functional Space Allocation
When designing your commercial retail space, it’s important to additionally consider how you want different sections of your store to function, including how products are stored and/or displayed. For example, a clothing store might benefit from a more open concept to allow customers to browse racks at eye-level, while a warehouse could benefit more from higher ceilings that allow for extra product to be stored on overhead shelving. Assessing the needs of your future shoppers and designing a space that meets those specifications is crucial for constructing a successful retail space.
Material Selection
As with any commercial construction project, choosing durable and environment-appropriate materials is critical. For retail construction projects, heavy traffic flow and the need for aesthetic appeal play a role in this material selection. For example, choosing high-quality slip-resistant flooring and sturdy display shelving that can withstand constant customer contact. Gundlach Champion Inc. can be a beneficial partner in this material selection process, offering insight and recommendations based on the needs of the retail experience you seek to create.
Strategic store design begins with careful customer considerations before construction even begins. Choosing an experienced and versatile commercial construction company like Gundlach Champion Inc. provides expert guidance on designing a retail space customized to meet the needs of you and your future customers from the design phase to your ribbon cutting.