
Healthcare Facilities: Commercial Construction Considerations

Healthcare facilities are uniquely complex commercial construction projects, due largely to the practical and aesthetic needs of the patients served within these facilities. Hospitals and clinics are well-known for their vast array of technology products and different departments that each serve a specific function. As a result, construction plans must be meticulous and include numerous different styles and designs to meet the varying needs of each unique facility section.

Infection Control

One of the critical goals of any healthcare facility is to minimize sickness and the spreading of various diseases or infections among patients and staff. In order to achieve this, construction planning involves the utilization of HVAC and ventilation systems to reduce the risk of airborne contaminants, the use of materials that are easiest to disinfect and clean, and isolation rooms or wings to further prevent the spread of illness.

Patient-Centered Design

Patients are central to the commercial construction of healthcare facilities, and designs are often created with patients’ unique needs and desires in mind. For example, creating spacious and comfortable waiting rooms, visiting areas, gift shops, and lobbies to cater to the patients and families utilizing these spaces. Further emphasis is placed on the aesthetics that appeal most to patients, such as natural light or a large number of windows.

Innovative Technology

Healthcare facilities and hospitals are well-known for their utilization of cutting-edge technology and machinery to perform a variety of functions like x-rays, scans, telehealth communications, surgery, and more. As a result, commercial construction planning must involve discussions of how to best create spaces for this equipment to be used both safely and effectively with patients and healthcare workers.


Accessibility is a key consideration for the commercial construction of any healthcare facility, chiefly because many patients have disabilities or ailments that may impact their mobility. Typically, this leads to the need for elevators, transport systems, and ambulance bays that allow healthcare workers to transport sick or injured patients quickly and efficiently.

Commercial construction of healthcare facilities is a complex and detail-oriented process. Balancing the needs of patients and healthcare workers with the strict regulations put into place by medical associations and governing bodies can be an overwhelming task. However, working with an experienced commercial construction partner like Gundlach Champion Inc. can help to streamline this process from the design phase to final completion, ensuring that all stakeholders’ needs and desires are implemented into the facility’s final design.

GCI has served healthcare clients across the Northern Great Lakes Region in a wide range of projects. To discuss your next project, contact us at

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